Designer duo Agape Mdumalla and Sam Cotton – better known as Agi & Sam – have been lauded by many, and for the right reasons we must add. Their style is one of sublime flair and distinctive humour, a trait that transcends both physically and metaphorically to all of their collections.
In true outlandish fashion, the pair have chose to create a rather ostentatious look into their world via the medium of film. Curated by music and style platform District MTV the five-minute short ventures into the slightly peculiar, and ever so unscripted, world of the British designers. Featuring a selection of the brand’s Spring/Summer ’13 collection (along with their trademark facial hair) the film itself takes place in the serene landscape of a suburban home; but as we have come to expect from the pair, even the most ordinary of situations can turn out to be adventurously different when dealt with over a cup of tea.
District MTV is digital platform that showcases the correlation between music and style. Enabling them to create a space that not only displays the latest talent and innovation, but also dictate it, using a variety of news, interviews and videos – the site brings forth a whole new identity to realms of popular culture.