Feet For The Summer

As men we often look at women’s feet perched in their 6 inch heels and feel sympathetic that they would put themselves through that agony. Yet it seems we never look down at our own feet cooped up in work shoes, tenderised in football boots and bludgeoned by year-old gym trainers and have the slightest sense of remorse for the abuse we put our feet through. Of course it never crosses your mind when your feet are hidden all day, but as the summer approaches how confident are you feeling going barefoot on the beach. Here is our 3 step approach to get your feet fit for the summer:

Step 1

First pre-soak your feet in warm water, adding five soluble aspirins will soften any hard skin and calluses. This is due to the salicylic acid acting to exfoliate the skin by removing dead skin cells. Salicylic acid is much gentler on the skin than glycolic acid, so you can soak your feet for as long as you want. When done simply rise clean using a pumice stone to to aid dead cell removal.

Step 2

Wash your feet with a foot scrub at least 3 times a week, this will help to remove and soften dead skin cells. The stimulation of the foot scrub will also encourage the growth of new health skin cells on the foot. Leaving you with fresh soft feet.

Step 3

Keep your feet feeling soft and smelling fresh by moisturising them daily, ideally after washing them. Massage the lotion in to your feet, focusing particularly in between toes, on heels and the Achilles. For added moisturising try moisturising generously and then wearing moisturising sleep socks to bed.Just remember to never let the area between toes become over-moisturised, as this will cause fungus.